the march

March 24, 1894: In dreams, he sees an army. Then Coxey awakes, and sees only fifty tramps.

March 25, 1894: Coxey’s Army on the Move

March 26, 1894: Coxey’s Army is Straggling Along

March 27, 1894: Lacks But Two Of A Hundred

March 28, 1894: Weary and Worn

April 2, 1894: Coxey’s Army Grows

April 4, 1894: Lock Up Coxey’s Men

April 6, 1894: Afraid of His Army

April 7, 1894: Coxey’s Advance Cohort Arrested

April 8, 1894: Jail Yawning for Gen. Coxey

April 9, 1894: Coxey Puts Up Toll

April 9, 1894: Army Must Return to the West; Utah Courts Order the Men Back Into the Car – They Must Be Moved.

April 14, 1894: Commonwealers Nigh Unto Riot

April 15, 1894: The “Unknown” Set Adrift

April 16, 1894: Coxey Charters Canalboats

Mr Coxey’s attempt to storm the Capitol

The speech Jacob Coxey (almost) never gave